Quality and environmental policy
As a company specializing in the reliable manufacture of high-quality Bowden cables and plastic profiles, we at Binder + Wöhrle attach great importance to quality and customer satisfaction. The complete fulfillment of customer requirements for their products is the focus of our actions. Binder + Wöhrle has been certified according to the DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001 standards since 1999, sending a clear signal to its customers: B + W is a reliable partner committed to the highest standards of quality and environmental management.
In order to conscientiously check the fulfillment of these requirements, regular internal audits are carried out. These check the effectiveness of measures and ensure that production meets quality requirements at all times. Our quality management is constantly being further developed in order to meet the growing demands of modern production.
Environmental protection is a fundamental principle at Binder + Wöhrle. The sustainable and responsible handling of resources, consumables and waste is at the center of our actions. For this reason, we also invest resolutely in modern and energy-efficient machines, plants and buildings in order to minimize the consumption of electricity, water, gas and air.
Through continuous improvement processes, we have been convincing our customers for years with complete and reliable fulfillment of product requirements. Modern testing machines ensure process monitoring and documentation. The certificates, whose requirements Binder + Wöhrle has met for over 20 years, are witnesses to the long-standing commitment to the quality of our products.
Our current certificates are available for download next to this.
Modern Testing Equipment
Our testing equipment is state-of-the-art and enables comprehensive product, material and development testing. Thanks to the modern equipment, precise test settings for load tests or destructive tests for plastic profiles or Bowden cables can be carried out. Detailed documentation and evaluations ensure traceability. Specially prepared specimen recordings ensure meaningful results and allow intuitive and easy handling.
Quality Checks in Process
Continuous process controls ensure the safe and reliable manufacture of the products.
An installed CAQ system with integrated test equipment monitoring supports the documentation of various series-accompanying tests from release to shipping inspection and monitoring of any gauges, measuring and test equipment used.